Dark matter exposed, the galactic puzzle that defies the rules.

Hey, space friends and stargazers! Here we are with a discovery that will blow your galactic minds. Have you ever heard of the galaxy NGC 1277? Imagine that you are in the laboratory with Sebastién Comerón, the leader of the team of scientists who donned their galactic detective hats. Together, they have found something amazing: the galaxy NGC 1277 is like a cupcake without the chocolate chips! 😮 It’s completely free of dark matter, and that’s a big deal for cosmic handbooks!

Let’s get to the point: dark matter is like the invisible wind that stirs the cosmic curtains, although we can’t see it, we can feel its influence. And that’s what makes this galaxy so unusual! In today’s space theory, large galaxies should have plenty of dark matter. It’s like being served a pizza with too much cheese! NGC 1277 takes the prize for being a “relic galaxy,” think of it as a treasure that has been in place since ancient times. It’s as if this galaxy is the grandmother of all galaxies! But here’s the twist: it has no neighbors! It’s like an island in outer space!

Now, the scientists used their magical spectrographs to examine this rare galaxy. It’s like they’re watching a slow motion movie of the universe! Using spectral tricks, they calculated the distribution of mass within the galaxy, and what they found blew their minds! There is no more than 5% dark matter in this galactic corner, but wait, current models say there should be at least 10% dark matter. It’s like someone took the cherries off the cake! How can a big galaxy break all the cosmic rules? 🤔

Scientists are scratching their heads, and have even come up with crazy theories. Una dice que la materia oscura escapó como un espía galáctico, ¡escurridiza! Another suggests that he went to a party when the galaxy was born from a cosmic collision. It’s like dark matter is the party friend who never stays home! This discovery shakes space theories like a cosmic earthquake. If NGC 1277 doesn’t have dark matter, it could leave alternative theories of modified gravity in limbo! It’s like we’re in a science fiction movie, but it’s real!

So there you have it, my intrepid friends. The galaxy NGC 1277 is here to challenge everything we thought we knew about space! Get ready for more discoveries as we continue to search for answers in the deepest corners of the cosmos!

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