Medical robots, the application of robotics in medicine.

What is robotics? Sciences aimed at the design, production and use of robots for tasks that are usually intended for humans. So robotics in medicine consists of the implementation of automated machines for the development of medical functions such as surgery, health care, rehabilitation therapies and others.

By implementing these robots, the aim is to facilitate the work of surgeons and professionals in the general sector, while maximizing the precision of processes such as operations or surgery and minimizing the limitations and deficiencies of the human being.

Here are the most famous robots that have contributed and continue to do so in this sector

  1. TUG is a robot that is used to lighten the load and some processes for the patient. It takes medicines to the hospital staff making them arrive more immediately and avoiding errors in the delivery of the same, it has also contributed in functions of transporting food trays for patients or even collaborating in cleaning.
  2. VIROB nanobot that is capable of moving easily through the veins, arteries or areas of our body at a speed of 9mm per second thanks to its small size, it can enter our body and perform an exhaustive exploration where traditional tools would be impossible to reach. It can carry medicines and even has the ability to make incisions without the need for surgery. The way it enters our system is through an injection or you can ingest it.
  3. DA VINCI is currently the most famous recognized as the first robot surgeon that has been perfected over the years and is currently used to perform complex surgeries in a less invasive way, it is necessary that it manages to reach levels that are difficult to achieve by a human being, reducing losses of blood, postoperative pain, and risk in relation to anesthesia. It is usually used in surgery to remove the stomach, kidney or prostate.

Robotic technology does not stop and as there are advances there will be different models of robots that will be incorporated into the day to day.

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