Neva micro plastics in the ocean

I think it is common knowledge to know that plastic waste that is not biodegradable ends up contaminating our oceans over time, but in reality we do not imagine that even a can of milk ends up breaking down and breaking into splinters of micro plastics that ends up being highly polluted. thus highly impacting the cooling of our planet.

You wonder how, since there has been marine life there has also been marine snow, which means an incessant drizzle of debris that falls from the surface to the depths of the sea and if you have never heard before marine snow begins as specks that gather in dense flakes and little by little they sink towards the depths even passing through cavities of marine animals that reside under the ocean.

Marine snow is mostly brown or grayish in color and comprises mostly dead stuff and transports carbon from the ocean to store it on the seafloor (i.e. the deepest parts of the oceans) and this false fall seems to be altering the ancient cooling process of our planet.

Let’s see this video that can give us that visual addition to understand a little more about the subject and what solutions could you provide to reduce this global problem?


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