Do digital tools make us more or less productive?

It is reliable to think that digital tools make us more productive and effective, because they facilitate data collection and information processing, obtaining immediate results but in reality based on studies carried out by Mckinsey Global (a strategic consultancy in Spain) indicates that in In reality, we are less productive because we have several applications that sometimes have the same objective, only a different way of processing the data, and being aware of so many applications is a distracting factor. It is recommended to handle between 4 or 5 applications to be more effective.

In reality, the fundamental pillar to be productive lies in minimizing interruptions as much as possible. According to studies carried out, it is of the utmost importance to increase attention span on a single task and completely reduce digital distractions to be more efficient.

In certain places they ensure that blocking social networks and the Internet for a period of time and total mobile restriction during a specific task allows the assigned responsibility to be completed with excellence in the shortest possible time. What’s more, it is known that thanks to these social interaction tools, it makes us more extroverted at work, decreasing our productivity.

Do you think the same? Does it generally apply to everyone?

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