Elixir of life sodas, sodas! But how are these drinks made?

I love these types of drinks, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Lift, Canada Dry! Total success! But I have never stopped to think about the elaboration process, what materials or resources are used to create the final product, and I simply do not have the doubt; so I detail the steps involved in these drinks.

  1. Water supply and treatment, the main ingredient of a soft drink is water, which can come from the municipal water supply system, a private well or springs. The water, already potable, is subjected to various treatments to produce beverages.
  2. Preparation of the beverage Sugars or calorie-free sweeteners and other ingredients such as juices, vitamins, caffeine, minerals, flavorings, etc. are added to the treated water. The various combinations result in a wide variety of refreshing beverages.
    1. Carbon dioxide is added to carbonated beverages, which provides the bubbles and is also an excellent preservative.
    2. Non-carbonated beverages these beverages undergo a pasteurization heat treatment, before or after bottling, to maintain their properties.
  3. Filled and closed, the finished beverage is automatically dispensed from the filling machine into the individual containers. Then they go to another one where they are closed and a final inspection is made to ensure that the filling level is correct.
  4. Tempering carbonated drinks are tempered to avoid condensation, since they are packaged at a temperature below room temperature. Non-carbonated drinks also undergo a tempering process after pasteurization to prevent them from deteriorating due to high temperatures.
  5. Labeling The products are labeled with all the information on their composition, thus allowing the consumer to know the properties of the different soft drinks. They also carry a code that allows traceability to be able to follow the trail of a product through all stages, from the time it is manufactured to the time it is sold, providing a security guarantee.
  6. Storage, transport and distribution The already labeled and packaged beverages are stored in duly identified boxes or pallets and in suitable environmental conditions.

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