Exploring black holes, demystifying the ‘lightsabers’ of the universe

Hey, space lovers! Get ready for a journey into the unknown because we are going to talk about black holes and their darkest secrets, we all know that these cosmic monsters are like giant vacuum cleaners that suck everything around them, right? But wait, there’s more to the story! Imagine that black holes are not only insatiable devourers, but also cosmic energy wasters. Yes, like that spinning top that spins and tires over time, these black holes can lose their spinning energy, and that’s a game of another level!

According to astrophysicist Eliot Quataert of Princeton University, these black holes can spin and lose energy, that’s as intriguing as the mystery of who dropped the car keys into the black hole in the living room. Since the 1970s, scientists have accepted the idea that black holes can release energy through magnetic fields, but no one knew how. So far! A team of Princeton astrophysicists has discovered that energy near a black hole in the galaxy M87* does not go into the hole, but shoots out!

These scientists not only cracked the riddle, but also invented a way to prove that black holes lose that spinning energy. The result? Energy jets that are basically Jedi lightsabers on a cosmic scale, 10 times bigger than our Milky Way Galaxy! Andrew Chael, a mastermind in astrophysics, led the team and takes credit for the brilliant idea that the direction of the magnetic field reveals the direction of the energy. Genius! To understand the magnitude of this energy, George Wong of the Event Horizon Telescope team tells us that it is like exploding the Earth in TNT a million times a second for millions of years. That’s nothing!

Scientists have known for decades that when a black hole starts spinning, it drags everything with it, including space-time. It’s like when you pull a string and the spinner starts spinning, it slows down the black hole and boom, it releases that cosmic energy we are analyzing. These astrophysicists are so excited that they claim that every astrophysical black hole with magnetic fields has an amazing energy transfer. It’s like an intergalactic exchange of power-ups! Although the energy flow near M87* is outward, they argue that it may be different for other black holes. The direction of energy flow is linked to the direction of the magnetic field! So, dear cosmic readers, these scientists are on track to understand if the black hole really does drive those galactic jets, although they haven’t proven it with certainty, the evidence points to an epic cosmic energy battle in the universe! What a thrill! See you in the next installment of science that looks like science fiction!

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