Have you ever wondered about the importance of bridges?

Bridges have been fundamental factors for both the economic and social development of the country, especially in the last 50 years. One of its main contributions is to favor the communication of different cities for the articulation of daily activities (commercial, recreational, etc.) For centuries, bridges were basic and essential structures for civilizations, in fact, there is a record that bridges have existed for more than 4,000 years, with the foundations of engineering coming from the Roman and Greek cultures.

The first bridges were built with wood and stone. At present, given the requirements and dimensions of the works that are needed, the type of materials used for its construction has evolved as much as the technology itself put into practice. During the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages, a large number of these structures were developed, which turned out to be very effective means of communication, and boosted the economy of the empires of those years.

The transcendental purpose for which a bridge is built is to bring places closer, join paths or communicate two distant or separated geographical spaces. Thus, commercial, tourist, recreational activities, among others, can be carried out. The greatness of bridges, or rather, of civil engineering, is that over time it allows us to surprise ourselves with previously unthinkable constructions.

Now let’s get to work carrying out the following experiment to understand the importance of the resistance that these bridges must have, come with me!

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