The galaxy no one saw: James Webb surprises us again!

Hey, space adventurers! Ready for some intergalactic gossip? NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been at it again, and this time it brings us the “peanut and fluffy ball galaxies”. Yes, yes, just like you hear! It turns out that in the region of space known as the Pandora Cluster, they discovered the second and fourth most distant galaxies! Thanks to the JWST data, a group of scientists from Penn State University ventured to confirm the distance and reveal the secrets of these ancient galaxies and no, we are not talking about a science fiction movie, although it sounds like that.

Imagine that these galaxies, almost 33 billion light-years away, are like the grandmothers of the universe. Why? Because the light we now detect was emitted when the universe was a tender 330 million years old. That’s older than anyone’s grandmother’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandmother! But there’s more, unlike other distant galaxies that are just red dots, these new ones are larger and shaped like peanuts and fluffy balls. Yes, you read that right! Galaxies that look like cosmic snacks! Bingjie Wang, a mastermind behind this discovery, says that these galaxies give us a window into the past – the light we see now came from them when the universe was still in its infancy. Like a time machine, but cosmic!

And attention, because these galaxies are like rebellious teenagers, showing their diversity, are larger than the ones we knew before and are giving clues about how the first galaxies were formed. Imagine a teenage Milky Way who bought a space car and started exploring the cosmos! So what do we learn from this? That the early universe is like an ancient book full of secrets, and these galaxies are the oldest pages, Joel Leja, of Penn State, says they are like beacons, with light that pierces ancient space and lets us peek into the exotic physics of the cosmic dawn. And that sounds more exciting than a science fiction series!

In short, cosmic friends, the JWST is revealing to us the most hidden gems of the universe. These galaxies are like ancient treasures that tell the story of the cosmos. So keep your eyes on the stars and get ready for more surprises from deep space!

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