What hides the human body?

Our body is a machine, a complex being capable of carrying out all the processes necessary for life, its composition and functioning are fascinating and it is because in reality we know so little about our bodies and their curiosities, we are so used to living together on a daily basis with our body that we rarely reflect on everything that happens in our body

Did you know?


  • The human body has the same amount of hair as chimpanzees, but the vast majority of that hair is useless and almost invisible, and it seems that the stomach acids in our stomachs are capable of disintegrating a metal blade. Amazing, right! Let’s continue discovering more and it is that the body of men manufactures 10 million spermatozoa daily with that amount, six months would be enough to repopulate the planet and women blink twice as much as men.
  • The human body produces 25 million new cells per second and a healthy body produces about three grams of IgA (Immuglobin A) antibodies each day. In just 30 minutes the human body produces enough heat to boil 4 liters of water.
  • The small intestine measures a little more than 3 meters while the person is alive but when dying it expands and can reach 7 or even 8 meters long. The right lung is slightly larger than the left due to the space occupied by the heart, and five minutes is the time it takes for the kidneys to filter all the blood in the body.
  • If the human brain were a computer, it could carry out 38,000 trillion operations per second. The electrical impulses emitted by the human brain are greater in one day than those emitted by all the phones on the planet combined that same day. The atoms that make up our body are more than 13,700 million years old since they are the same ones that were formed during the Big Bang. Human DNA is 50% identical to banana DNA
  • Despite the eye color of the blood, we see the superficial veins bluish in color due to an optical effect produced by the skin and for each new kilogram of fat or muscle, the body creates 10 kilometers of new blood vessels; It takes 60 seconds for a blood cell to travel through the entire human body.
  • It’s impossible to swallow and breathe at the same time (I know you tried, I did too 🙂 but it’s true not myth).
  • Human bones are just as strong as granite. A piece of bone the size of a matchbox can support up to 9 tons of weight.
  • When a person blushes, their stomach lining also blushes, and the thumb of either hand is the same length as the nose of the same body.
  • Inside the human belly button there are thousands of bacteria that form an ecosystem equivalent to the size of the Amazon.

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